I always said that I was against CGP. I always said that the sums didn't add up for me. However, once the referendum went through and my side lost, I shut the hell up about it. So now things have swung back to my way of thinking, am I happy? Not really. I always had a suspicion that everyone in Aberdeen basically despises anyone they don't know. The only result we're left with post referendum is an already divided populous which has been carved almost right down the middle thanks to a merely mathematical (and as it turns out, pointless) majority. You might as well start making up sandbags. This isn't over. This is just beginning. Civil war in Aberdeen, except conducted by a bunch of Internet hard nuts and keyboard warriors. Battle has already resumed and they didn't even have the courtesy to wait until I get some popcorn! Now that's just rude.
Do I think that democracy has been damaged? Hardly - it's broken by design.
Do I think that all the Internet based "debate" is damaging to Aberdeen? Most definitely. When I read some of the "debate" that is ongoing on Facebook or Twitter, all it boils down to for me is this:
crowd arguing
This is a pretty good approximation of what I imagine you would all sound like if we put you all in the Beach Ballroom and asked you to have a "debate". Come on, some of you can't even spell your insults correctly. Quantity of Facebook "likes" being used as an analogy for testicle size and the moral right to... tell people how it should be? Reports of dissenting views being deleted because they don't tally up with the prevailing way of thinking on a particular page? Pathetic.
To all those who engage in this tiresome charade - you all disgust me with your petty, childish, bitter behaviour. We're going nowhere, fast, and you aren't helping one iota.